A 33-year-old female patient with a seven-year history of primary infertility.
Her gynaecologist did a laparoscopy that showed mild endometriosis. All other fertility investigation results were normal. After six months of unsuccessful Clomid treatments, she was referred to an IVF centre. There, she underwent treatment with fertility injections and inseminations for four months, and proceeded to go through two IVF treatments that were unsuccessful.
When this patient was referred to Astra Fertility Clinic, we reviewed her previous investigations and a uterine septum was noted in her chart. This factor had not been considered significant by her previous treatment specialists.
The patient subsequently underwent surgery (uterine septum incision), and she had a spontaneous pregnancy within 6 months of the procedure.
Comment: Precise diagnosis is the key to treatment success. It is not always easy to pinpoint the cause of the infertility problem. At Astra Fertility Clinic, we are fortunate to have capable staff who can detect and correct uterine abnormalities using hysteroscopy in a simple day surgery procedure.