All individuals are naturally born with all reproductive requirements and most do not require medical help to conceive. It is often just a matter of time before pregnancy can be achieved. At Astra, we approach our fertility patients with a totally different philosophy and mindset than most others, as we are committed to identifying the root cause of your fertility issues with a focus on restoring your natural fertility potential before resorting to assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART), which includes IUI and IVF. Most patients will achieve success without or at least have better success when abnormalities are corrected before commencing ART.
Other facilities’ approach to your management is often totally different from ours. From the outset, they aim to classify your flow through the clinic by identifying whether you are a candidate for IUI or IVF, rather than exhausting investigative and treatment tools before resorting to ART. Without prioritizing an accurate diagnosis for your infertility, many observed abnormalities are frequently missed or even dismissed. Treatments like IVF and IUI – while valid and necessary treatment options for some patients – are often selected too quickly, therefore overlooking the core fertility problem, instead of directly addressing it.
We do not easily and hastily label our patients with the diagnosis of “unexplained infertility”.